Zal Telecomunicazioni Symbol

Zal Telecomunicazioni Symbol

Zal is an Italian telecommunication company operating in Emilia-Romagna. The name might mean yellow, but for the impact of its symbol the company relies on the same, highly recognisable dazzle effect as the zebra. Unusually for a telecoms operator named after a colour, the speech bubble mark follows nature's example and only ever appears in black and white.

Client information

Zal Telecomunicazioni

Zal is an Italian telecommunication company with a difference: not only does it offer simple and transparent price plans, the firm also does away with call centres and automated voices that take you through a litany of menu choices with endless numbers to press.

Zal is based in Forlì and focuses its efforts on customers in the surrounding Emilia-Romagna region. So proud is the company of its origins, that even its name has local roots, Zal is Romagnolo dialect and means 'yellow'.