Salon 2011, Kulturverlag Polzer

Salon 2011, Kulturverlag Polzer

For the fifth year Salon features behind the scenes analysis and an insight into the production of opera, theatre and concerts at the Salzburg Festival.

Markus Hinterhäuser's Festival motto 'open up the ears, the eyes, human thinking' has inspired a series of features, essays and interviews presenting artists, musicians, writers and photographers with their reflections on the Festival theme.

The bilingual layout combines playful typography and generous imagery to entertain the eye as well as the mind'. Feature articles juxtapose the question whether 'culture can create identity' with iconic buildings around the world and present the festival stars close up in a skillfully choreographed series of photographs.

Client information

Kulturverlag Polzer

The cultural roots of Kulturverlag Polzer were established in 1946 when the Polzer family founded the ‘Ticket Office Polzer’. Over more than fifty years the firm grew to become the largest vendor of theatre tickets in Western Austria.

Today, Kulturverlag Polzer publishes ‘Salon’, the magazine for the Salzburg Festival, the regional culture magazine ‘Highlights’ and series of selected book titles ranging from Leopold Mozart's ‘The Art of the Violin’ to Daniell Porsche's lyrics.