Fedrigoni Project 16/3
Project 16/3 owes its existence to the success of the original Project 16. It also turns the conceptual clarity of this paper promotion into somewhat of a misnomer. Project 16 was conceived to bring together 16 of the world's leading book designers and 16 of the finest papers available for book production in order to create 16 sections, with 16 pages each, bound in two volumes.
A third volume was produced to satisfy the insatiable thirst of designers and publishers for more ideas on how to push the accepted boundaries of book design and production – and played havoc with the carefully calculated maths in the process. Designers Mathieu Desailly, Vera Velez, David Barath, Fraser Muggeridge, Project Projects, Leftloft, Sulki and Min and Nej de Doncker were each given a Fedrigoni paper including Freelife Kendo, Arcoprint, Stucco Sirio, Old Mill, Freelife Vellum, Arcodesign, Splendorgel Avorio, Sirio White White to work their magic.
The book was launched to great fanfare at the Frankfurt Book Fair.