Datatrain Website

Datatrain Website

Datatrain's facility management solutions revolve around a specially developed icon language that not only aids the user's interaction, it also gives the software solutions their unique 'face'.

The Datatrain website continues this theme, using the icons to structure different solutions and visualise the complex processes involved. Thus offering the user an immediate insight into the world of Datatrain.

With its responsive design the website not only makes the Datatrain offer accessible on smartphones, tablets and computers, it also reflects the user interface of the mobile apps Thomas Manss & Company has designed for facility managers.

Client information


Datatrain specialises in software development and training and was founded in 1996. The company develops tailor-made solutions for housing associations and property companies working within the SAP environment.

The aim is to streamline and automate business processes from intial tennant contact, through commissioning as well as administering repairs and renewals to final payment and invoicing.