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National Portrait Gallery, Photographic Portrait Prize 2010 Campaign
National Portrait Gallery, Photographic Portrait Prize 2010 Campaign
Unlike the punchy lead image of last year's campaign to promote the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize, the 2010 face of the portrait prize draws its strength from the quite poetry that characterised many of this year's contenders. Together with 'logotype' it provided an instantly recognisable identity for this annual survey of portrait photography at the National Portrait Gallery. The campaign comprised Underground posters, promotional and press matierials, merchandising items and the exhibition catalogue.
Conocida como NPG, alberga los retratos históricos de los grandes, notorios y conocidos hombres y mujeres de Inglaterra. Ubicada junto a la National Gallery en Trafalgar Square, posee la mayor colección de retratos del mundo. En los últimos años, el interés de la galería por el retrato fotográfico ha crecido considerablemente.